Sunday, January 08, 2006

DREADLOCKS..are so funky.but until you read

by goldigold on Craftster'

I have had my locks for over 8 years:

1. Locks are supposed to be naturally formed. Do not use gel, it will flake hair. Full-o-locks is a nice oil based herbal hair product made by Praises; or you can steep some ground sage into some olive oil for at least 2 weeks. Sage stimulates hair growth.

2. It can take 3 MONTHS TO A YEAR! for your hair to lock --depending on texture. It took my hair a year! (gosh!)

3. During the summertime--I wash my hair at least ONCE A WEEK. During the winter TWICE A MONTH AND IT TAKES 8 HOURS FOR MY HAIR TO DRY. (wow..thats suupperr loooong)

4. Twisting pops hair, some hair textures like mine need to be started (by twisting) after the initial lock--, it will do it on its own.

5. There are two types of locks. Designer-those who go to the salon to have their hair twisted and their "kitchen" trimmed, the new growth never shows. And natural or knotty dreds, your hair is washed with aloe, sea water or organic shampoos, your hair is an extension of your character, as you does your hair.

6. Do not comb or brush your hair. This frustrates family and friends when they sleep over--they have to buy or bring their own combs, picks and brushes.

7. This is me and my hair about 3 years ago. I pull out the icky dusty ends--not cut.
The picture is not the best, but you get the idea.

erm.i think I DO GET THE IDEA =)

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