;I know its been just drawing in school and like school hasnt start classes for a week but i dont want to go to school anymore!!its so stressful and so pressurizing!when we're suppose to draw today, i just cant.i cant draw like i used to draw in secondary school, or primary school, or any other place!its so different now.different environment, different standards..and its really pressurizing when my mates draw so awesomely better.i could just burst into tears at that very moment!ive been so down and i try to keep myself up but sometimes its hard.i tell others when they're down that they cant give up and they must persevere.but it just cant seem to work on myself!i give up easily on everything and persevere is just not the word for me!but its true that i cant give up.ive not even started a quarter of my journey in Lasalle and im about to die!sigh life is so difficult to handle.actually whats the purpose of me living in this world for?come to think about it, i dont even have anything im good at!im not good in drawing, im no good at general knowledge, im not good in cooking, i suck at I.T..etc. etc!im no good in anything.no no good.should i see a psychiatrist?should i go counseling?
;im about to kill myself.